Fallout new vegas when should i do dlc
Fallout new vegas when should i do dlc

It was short in content with the playtime drawn out using methods like insta-death traps, invincible enemies and retracing your steps.

fallout new vegas when should i do dlc

In case you missed Dead Money, developed amnesia, or are one of those irritating commentards that feels the need to add “I’m waiting for the GOTY edition” to every piece of online coverage then here is what you’ve missed in a nutshell: Dead Money was a harshly unforgiving, dull DLC set in a separate area to the Mojave. I paused before pressing the confirm purchase button as I was less than impressed by the previous offering, Dead Money, so you can forgive my trepidation as I watched the download bar eek its way across my screen. After what seemed like an eternity, a new DLC finally arrived for Fallout: New Vegas.

Fallout new vegas when should i do dlc